Monday, November 14, 2011

Hiroshima Trip Vol.3

My last week in Japan went by soooo quickly! I returned safely to U.S. yesterday. I can't thank enough to all my family and friends for giving me such good time.
I was so busy with wrapping up my trip that I'm so behind with new posts!! I have a lot more to go.

The main reason for the trip to Hiroshima was family reunion.
We drove to the relative's house and all walked to the party location nearby, the restaurant bar called "Icchora". On the way to the restaurant, we passed by Hiroshima City Museum of History and Traditional Crafts. This beautiful building with red brick survived the nuclear bomb and was later used as a factory of the well known food company but after closedown, they opened as a museum, introducing local history in Hiroshima before World War II. Sorry I was too busy talking with my cousins that I forgot to take photos of yummy foods!! I wanna thank them so much for organizing and coming to this precious get together! I can't wait to see them again.




During our trip, we stayed at ANA CROWNE PLAZA which I highly recommend to anyone. Their shower and bedding were awesome and friendly staffs' service was a big plus. I wish we had enough time to try their classy looking lounge cafe "Apres Voir" but that would be too much to ask from this trip.


滞在先はANA CROWNE PLAZA だったのですが、ここはオススメです。シャワーと寝具がとっても心地よかったのと、親切なスタッフさん達のサービスもポイント高し。ロビーラウンジの『アプレ・ボアール』も気になったのですが、残念ながら時間切れ。でも十二分に満喫しました。

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