Monday, June 11, 2012

One Summer Day in Sausalito


I used to feel more comfortable with planning things in advance but lately spontaneous traveling is becoming my style. When I spend too much time researching and planning, which I found I'm not that good at, my expectation level goes up and it becomes a pressure rather than truly enjoying the trip. So, here we are in San Francisco, not knowing where to go, driving around the city. The car navigation allows the people like us, who are awful at directions, to enjoy such exciting adventure without any troubles like getting lost or ruining the rest of the day arguing over who's fault it was to take that turn, etc.


It was such a beautiful day. We couldn't help heading towards the ocean.....

素晴らしい晴天の日でした。やはり海の方に向かわずにはいられず・・・・ end up passing Golden Gate Bridge.


The town on the other side of the bridge is called Sausalito. This was our second visit to this cute small town. We parked our car in the quiet alley way and took a walk to the downtown. I took a lot of pictures while walking.

橋の向こう側の町はソーサリトという町です。 このかわいらしい小さな町に訪れるのは二度目。車を静かな路地に駐めて、ダウンタウンの方へてくてく歩いていきました。たくさん写真を撮りながら。

Time flew. We realized that we have to start heading back before traffic gets bad. We walked back the way we came from. 



Right off the bridge, we missed the entrance to the freeway and had to take a huge detour again in the city, going up and down on the steepest hill on earth....! Stopping in the middle of this crazy uphill to press on the accelerator is pretty scary..... That's how we did one last sightseeing before we get back on the freeway.

橋 を渡ってすぐに、フリーウェイのエントランスを見逃してしまい、またまたサンフランシスコの町にて、ありえないほどの急な坂道を上ったり下りたりしながら 回り道を喰らう羽目になってしまいました。この坂の途中で停車して発車するのがかなり怖いのです。こうして、フリーウェイに乗る前にもう一度だけ最後の観光をしたのでした。


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