Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Andy Ve Eirn -by Yael Scharaby

Yael Scharaby, the designer behind "Andy Ve Eirn" is a 27 years old designer in Tel Aviv, Israel. "Andy Ve Eirn" was launched in 2010, named after her grandparents who are very important in her life. Her education in textile design specializing knitting gives her the ability to control over the process from designing from the yarn all the way through to the end. All the geometric patterns and minimalist designs are her own originals. Materials are cotton, linen, and viscose in monochromatic neutral tones that everyone loves and won't go wrong with any wardrobes.


Andy Ve Eirnのデザイナー、ヤエルさんはイスラエルのテルアビブに暮らす、27歳のデザイナーです。彼女にとってとても大切な存在である祖父母の名前に因んだ"Andy Ve Eirn"は2010年に立ち上げられました。大学で学んだテキスタイルデザイン、特にニット技術のおかげで制作のプロセスのうち、糸の段階から最後まで、全部自分の手でしっかりコントロール。幾何学模様やミニマルなデザインはすべて、彼女独自のオリジナルです。素材はコットン、リネン、ビスコースなどで、モノトーンやベージュ系の色合いはどんなワードローブにも適応できるマストアイテム。


These summer tops will be still great for laying in this season. I have a weakness to the draped and such textures...


こちらのサマートップ達もまだまだ今の季節にレイヤーで行けそう。 てれっとしたかんじやこういう模様に弱いのです。。

Now she has a shop that she opened this April where she can both create and sell. I asked her what was the biggest event so far this year for her shop and she told me the episode when an American actress Claire Danes came into her shop and bought 5 items! The actress was shooting a scene for "Homeland" at the old building nearby that day and Yael was watching the cast all day long, hoping that she will enter her shop. When she was about to close the shop, the actress came in with her crew. Yael was very excited but tried to stay cool. After trying on some clothes, which all looked good on her, she made a decision.



Voila! I like those shoes too. (Yes, another weakness of mine is leopard pattern........)



There's no doubt that her shop will keep growing and become more and more popular. I wonder who will surprise her next. I'm so honored to introduce this story now at this point. Thank you so much, Yael! Best wishes on your success:)



Andy Ve Eirn
Shop Location: Sgula 8, Tel Aviv -Jaffa, Israel

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