It is located just across from the mall I occasionally run errands at. I just happened to see the sign the other day when driving through and got curious.
Sometimes I miss walking everywhere on the street rather than always driving. You find more interesting places by foot, while in a car, unknown places tend to stay unknown forever no matter how many times you drive on that road.
I later learnt that this is an original house location where the Irvine Family settled down in 1900s to evacuate from the devastation of 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. As the powerful landowner of Orange County, the city of Irvine was named after the Irvines, which in fact was the only knowledge I had about the family.
Anyhow, the original house was burnt to be completely demolished in 1960s and this building was replicated recently to be open as a public library. And "Katie Wheeler" is a descendant who was born and raised in the original home.
This heavy duty iron gate tickles my imagination; surviving the fire to be standing on the exact same place as then. The land next to the gate is a patch of orange grove, which must have dominated the whole towns and sceneries, covering acres and acres of lands to produce Valencia orange and citruses back in the days.
Well, I might return soon for borrowing some books or admiring the rose garden in the spring time.
One more thing I didn't know about: this library is entered as one of the OC's most haunted places!
徒歩時代はもっと色々こういう発見があったものだけど、 車生活になってからというもの、同じ道を何度走っても、ずっと気づかないままのスポットがあったりして、その土地について知らないことが多かったりします。