Sunday, September 30, 2012

Camera & Silk Thread

It's another hot day today.
I don't know how many times this heat wave comes back!
Supposedly we will have a few more hot days this week. 
So, it's a perfect couch potato day, reading some books & thinking of new designs...


というわけで、ソファでだらだら本を読んだり新しいデザインを考えるにはもってこい。 。。

I have been struggling in a joyful way with my Nikon D5100 since last year.
So far, this great camera is still way over my head.
I'm pretty lazy when it comes to reading a guidebook but I decided to read through more carefully because I started to feel sorry for this guy to be treated ignorantly about its fabulous functions and things.

Gladly, these books make a bit more sense now than before.  
Also there seem to be lots of how-to blogs out there in today's world.
I found this one very interesting: (Japanese)

If you have any recommendation, I would love to know!
Oh by the way, these two pictures above were taken by my cellphone:D


ガイド本となると、めんどっちい傾向にあるのですが、 なんとなく、そのステキな機能や諸々に疎いのは申し訳ない気がしてきたので、もっとしっかり読んでみようと決意。



Then I thought of designing some necklaces using silk thread.
I don't have much silk thread work in my collection right now but I'm always fond of its colors and textures. Some experiments are needed!



Saturday, September 29, 2012

Rebecca Rebouche's 2013 Calender

So, here's the calender that I can't stop taking some moment, scrolling through the pages over and over again. One day I met her art through Anthropologie's website then found her blog and Etsy shop. Looking at her work on a piece of paper is a lot more exciting and heartwarming than just browsing it online. I'm amazed by today's printing technology but still, I dream of owning her original painting one day.


というわけで、こちらがついつい立ち止まって何度も何度もページをめくってしまう、噂のカレンダーです。ある日、彼女のアートにアンソロポロジーのウェブサイトで出会ってしまい、それからブログEtsyショップを発見したのでした。オンラインで見るよりもずっと、紙上で見る方がわくわくして心温まるかんじです。今日のプリント技術には驚かされますが、それでもやはり、いつかオリジナルが欲しいなあなんて夢見つつ。's the necklace as a result of being inspired by the calender.



OK, enough of introduction. Here's the inside! 
I tried to pick my favorite but failed.... I love them all.
And you know what happens to these beauties when each month is over?
Yes, each print will be framed nicely and put up on the wall!



Then I made some more baltic amber necklaces again.
Amber has been glowing more and more on me... 

Enjoy your weekend~!




Friday, September 28, 2012

Tribal inspired mosaic-like look -Anthropologie

I stopped by Anthropologie to get a new journal the other day.
Then I happened to see a 2013 calender by my favorite artist, Rebecca Rebouche. I rarely buy a calender but it was just too beautiful to resist. I will share it next time. Meanwhile, here are some of very Anthropologie-ish beautiful colorful things in intricate designs. So fun to look at!




'beauté' by joonijewelry

Art tartan print le...

White on White Wint...

100% Baby Alpaca kn...

antique cotton shee...

Tribal, Orange and ...

holster bag in navy...

Cheeky Embroidered ...

Gorgeous 1940s Red ...

End of summer S A L...

Dead Sea Salts, Ref...

Wall Decor, Poster,...

Black leather tote ...

Hand dyed cotton pe...

Fall Fashion - Chun...

vintage industrial ...

Manifesto Carved Be...

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sketching Jewelry

I've been into collecting and reading jewelry books lately.  "Drawing Jewels for Fashion" is such a beautiful book with full of inspiration. It's amazing to see the process of sketches and the actual pieces.....sigh.. Some of them are so incredibly good that I have to look really close to figure out whether they are drawings or real jewels.


Drawing Jewels for Fashion』は特にステキなインスピレーション満載の一冊。スケッチの過程と実際の作品達が素晴らしいのです。美しすぎてため息がもれる。。 中には、あまりに上手すぎて、じっくりじっくり見ないと絵なのか本物なのか分からないものも。

Alexandra Jefford

Alexandra Jefford

Alexandra Jefford

Michelle Ong

Michelle Ong

Michelle Ong

Anna Hu

Anna Hu

Alice Cicolini

Alice Cicolini

Victoire de Castellance for Dior

Victoire de Castellane for Dior

Ornella Iannuzzi

Ornella Iannuzzi

Ornella Iannuzzi

Lorenz Baumer

Jessica McCormack

In the book, the Designer Anna Hu says that it took her ten years to accumulate the right stones to depict the detail and colors of the ring that was inspired by Monet's Water Lilies. Ten years! It shocked me but at the same time, made me realize that the process of creating something very special should take time. I tend to just visualize something then jump on formation. When I figure out that my image cannot be achieved quickly enough with the materials I already have or it is beyond my skill then I come up with alternatives. I guess that's fine too but maybe with some designs I should marinate longer.



So................ After getting inspired so much, I decided to do better sketching from now on, especially by adding colors. I don't remember when was the last time I held a paint brush. I don't even own these tools like pencils, pastels, charcoals or paint tubes anymore... (I left all at my parents'. I wonder if they are still there....) So I had to start over from buying them. Searching around on Amazon, I decided on Derwent's watercolor pencil set which had great reviews and also was approved by my painter cousin. It arrived quickly and I love it! Adding colors definitely helps me visualize the image more clearly and think of the design more patiently. Well, finding a right material to formate the images is another story. Let's see how things will turn out.




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