I wrote this a while back, forgot to publish it so here it is.
Beautifully designed "Finding Frida Kahlo".
The book reveals her sketches, letters, a diary, other personal belongings inside painted wooden boxes, chests, a suitcase, and a rustic metal trunk that were purchased by art dealers in Mexico in recent years. When American art curator Barbara Levine found out about this, she approached the dealers, Carlos and Leticia Noyola, with a book idea. So this art book is to say achievement of their team work.
素敵な装丁が目を惹く「Finding Frida Khalo」という本。
I found the story quite unbelievable at first, especially in this day and age, is it possible for such historical treasures to be quietly kept in a privately owned gallery until one day American curator exposes them to the world through a book? Seems surreal!
No matter what, the book is such a beauty where art pieces are carefully put together and photographed that I can't imagine how many hours were spent to complete it.
Frida's letters and diary written in Spanish are translated in English. Thay are all so painfully personal, making me feel like I'm peeping in something that I'm not supposed to. I want to look away from her life story but I can't keep my eyes off her art.
Well, later I read about the controversy over the authenticity of these artwork. Here's the review and updates on the issue that I found:
After all, I'm more towards believing that it's real.