Sunday, March 6, 2016

Urban's Oasis, Fullerton Arboretum




Gloomy and partially sunny Saturday afternoon was spent here in Fullerton Arboretum where thousands of different types of plants create a precious oasis inside the campus of California State University of Fullerton.

Arboretum it is. The place is a lot bigger than I expected and although it's right next to the freeway, there are some areas where thickly grown trees give a perfectly secluded feel. Blossoms also exceeded my expectation. There are so so many of pretty flowers that I couldn't help forgetting to just enjoy the moment but instead trying to capture everything in a camera.

In addition to this lovely little egret, what made me smile was these monarch butterflies. I was actually just wondering about butterfly-watching spots in Orange County. This was such a nice surprise, although they (flying ones) are so hard to photograph!

Orange trees at the end concluded the adventure. Walking between the trees gave an amazing strong sweet scent of orange flowers. No wonder why bees were crowding the trees.

This place became one of my favorite places in Orange County.

Just in time, it started raining on the way home.









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