Wednesday, September 30, 2015

New: Bohemian Cluster Earrings - Hammered Silver Earrings

Two pairs of new earrings posted on Etsy today. (Last ones from September!)

  1. Orange Carnelian x Hessonite Garnet
  2. Prehnite x Freshwater Pearl

Only one pair is available for each design.


  1. カーネリアン x ヘソナイトガーネット
  2. プレナイト x 淡水パール

Details - Etsy Inspiration

Artist in Beijing - Liang Yuanwei


images from

I was so mesmerized by Liang Yuanwei's work in OCMA the other day. Sharing here are what I didn't see at the exhibition. (The ones I saw were probably like 200cm x 200cm. I'm assuming these are about the same size.)

How do I describe her work.. It is powerful, lush, elegant and delicate at the same time. It is rather intricate than simple but I feel somewhat at ease admiring it.

Just imagining how many days and hours were spent on each work really inspires me. Huge passion with lots of hard work. Simply breathtaking.


先日はOCMA にて、リアン・ユアンウェイの作品に心奪われてしまいました。こちらに載せたものはいずれも展示されていたものではないのですが。(展示されていたものは2メートル四方ほどだったと思います。こちらのも同じくらいかしら。)




Monday, September 28, 2015

Try On!




All items available here!

Enjoy browsing:)


Monochrome Sunday



Visited OC Museum of Art yesterday.

They currently exhibit "My Generation: Young Chinese Artists". I will share some work that I really liked on my next post.

I didn't want to take pictures inside the museum so these wooden installation and the ivy wall are outside views.

And! Although I should've known about "blood moon" in time and that this one was captured an hour after the eclipse, it was still powerful and admirable enough. A rainbow toned halo was actually surrounding this supermoon at the time but didn't show in the image. The moon up close looks like an abstract drawing. Such a beauty.



"My Generation: Young Chinese Artists" と題し、中国若手アーティストたちのグループ展が行われていました。次回また改めてお気に入りアーティストの作品を数点紹介します。




Saturday, September 26, 2015

Beach After Sunset

Breathe in,
Breathe out...

Work and New Stuff



A few new jewelry posted on Etsy.




Happy to have found some more inspiring books to read.

  1. Loooove this cookbook, "Fresh & Easy" by Jane Hornby. On top of the visual prettiness of all pages filled with images, what I like about the most is the simplicity: the way all the fresh ingredients are neatly laid out and photographed for each recipe, so little time that takes, and no fancy dancy tools or appliances needed, absolutely pressure free. Literally, fresh and easy, yet the outcomes are...delicious and sophisticated! I'm so thankful.
  2. "500 Cameras" by Todd Gustavson - I haven't started with this one yet but it shows and talks about history of camera, starting from early 19th century to today. Quite exciting, isn't it?
  3. "American Indian Trickster Tales" selected and edited by Richard Erdoes and Alfonso Ortiz - it's a collection of folk myths from various tribes. Each tribe has its own version of how the moon and the sun were brought to its land by tricksters like a coyote and an eagle, for example. The same animals appear in the same themed stories but they play different roles in different stories. Each story is short, 1 - 3 pages long so it's perfect for bedtime reading.


  1. ジェーン・ホーンビー著 "Fresh & Easy" のレシピ本は私の中で大ヒット。全ページステキ画像で埋め尽くされているというビジュアル的な魅力はもちろん、なんといってもシンプルさがよい。レシピごとに新鮮素材がきちっと並べられていて分かりやすく、時間もかからないものばかりで、器具なども敷居の高そうなものはまるで登場しないという、まったくの気楽さ。その題名通り、シンプル&イージー。なのに、出来上がりはとても美味しく洗練されたかんじ。なんともありがたい一冊!
  2. トッド・グスタヴソン著 "500 Cameras" 。まだ読み始めてないのですが、こちらは19世紀始めから今日までのカメラの歴史を画像付きで語ったもの。わくわく。
  3. リチャード・アードス & アルフォンソ・オーティッツ編 "American Indian Trickster Tales" (tricksterは民間伝承に登場するいたずら好き動物や人間、の意) は、アメリカンインディアンの色んな部族の伝説を集めたもの。例えば、コヨーテやワシによってもたらされた月や太陽発祥のいきさつも、部族によって様々。テーマごとに登場する動物は同じでも、お話がまったく違ったりするのが面白い。それぞれのストーリーは1~3ページと短いので、ベッドタイムにピッタリの読み物です。


Monday, September 21, 2015

Fall Foliage


Pretty leaves were laying on the patio so I did a little collaboration with my jewelry. It was a windy day today. Fluttering leaves want to pile up and keep me busy swiping..!




Sunday, September 20, 2015

breathing dreams like air -Etsy Inspiration



Temecula ~Black and White~



Temecula scenes in black and white, can't tell the heat in the monochrome, can we?




Old Town Temecula



Did I succeessfully photograph the images that show the crazy heat here?

Despite the maple trees with yellow leaves showing the seasonal transition, it was brutal today in Temecula!

You don't want to know how hot it was.

Old Town Temecula is a charming small town that displays the mixture of Native American and Spanish influences.

"Old Town Spice & Tea Merchants" is a perfect spot to step away from the heat and sip some iced tea.

Their selection of spices, herbs and tea leaves is so wide. What I had was orange passion fruit iced tea but oh boy, it was tough to pick just one out of hundreds of choices. Orange, green, brown earthy toned particles are nicely put in clear glass containers that are labeled and placed tightly next to each other in the shelves, releasing healing aromas. The lady who helped me told passionately that they want to keep expanding the selection, adding more to the shelves that are held by tall rustic beams. I do see some rooms up there. Just as I pictured, she mentioned about a library ladder. That would be cool! The outside seating is in the shade that provides a breezy cool air and coziness. What makes it more special and darling is the warm and hard working ladies in the shop. (Should have taken their pictures too.) So nice to see these small businesses with such uplifting vibes.


The regular highway route was quite awful with heavy traffics and bumpy roads under constraction. So, the scenic way called Ortega Highway was taken for the first time for returning home. The road is winding and keeps elevating till the breathtaking lake view suddenly appears. Unfortunately, this was the only image I could manage to take while driving. All the winding was surely worth it.






Old Town Spice & Tea Merchants (オールドタウンスパイス&ティマーチャンツ)はそんな暑さから逃れてアイスティを啜るひとときには絶好のスポット。






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