We had a harshly hot weekend over here in Southern California. Although I spent most of the time at home hiding from the sun, so glad I didn't miss this moment in Newport Beach. This beach tends to be very windy and chilly even in the middle of the hot summer and usually I can't help shivering no matter how warm my jacket is. Today was exceptional. Excitement over the view must have conquered the temperature, my exposed arms didn't feel cold at all. But, nowhere near to dare to go into the water, I don't know how they do it!
The first time I came to California, I was so ready to swim all the time in the ocean, not realizing how freezing the current is. I have never thought of doing so since that realization.... I learnt how to have good time without it but I do miss floating and snorkeling forever in the summer sea.
Well, another week will start and August is ending. Farewell to summer!
週末は猛暑に襲われた南カリフォルニアです。なのでお日様から隠れるようにしてほぼ家で過ごしていたのですが、 ニューポートビーチでのこのひとときはキャッチできてよかった。このビーチは特に真夏でも風が強くて寒い印象で、いつもはいくら温かいジャケットで挑んでもぶるぶる震えている私なのですが、今日はなんだか例外でした。あまりにきれいな風景に圧倒されてか、丸出しの腕でもへっちゃらだったのでした。とはいえ、水の中に入ろうという気には程遠く・・・。すごいわー入ってる人々。