Thursday, July 30, 2015

New Creation



New stuff posted today on Etsy.

Almost another weekend again. So fast!





Where your mind belongs - Etsy Inspiration



Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Hammered Silver Hoops



New casual hammered silver hoops - around 25mm in diameters.

One is closed and the other is an open hoop (with a ball end so labradorite doesn't fall off).





Mixed Metal Jewelry - Gold x Oxidized Silver


New mixed metal (14kt gold filled x oxidized sterling silver) posted!

I love the contrast look of gold and dark silver.

All posted on Etsy -





Etsyに出品しました -


Monday, July 27, 2015

Monday Finds - Etsy Inspiration


Style of the Day & Books

It's been quite hot these days; sleeveless tops are much appreciated!
I returned the books that I borrowed three weeks ago. The best part in Hemingway's "A Movable Feast", to me, was the episode of "F. Scott Fitzgerald", the author of "The Great Gatsby". They were close friends but Hemingway learnt a lot about Fitzgerald when they took a trip together. The way Hemingway described his friend's habits and personality made me laugh. He also mentions about the relationship between Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald, pointing out that Zelda was always so jealous about Scott's talent that she wanted to distract him from work all the time. Hemingway didn't like it as a friend. This book is just so personal and frankly written that interested and inspired me a lot.
My next book was going to be another one by Hemingway but I decided to take a break. So here are the choices: "Madness in the Family" by William Saroyan & "The Roominghouse Madrigals " by Charles Bukowski. Just as Hemingwayway and all his fellow writer friends, Bukowski is known for a drunkard... I'm not so crazy about that aspect but excited to read his poetry. I wasn't familiar with Saroyan, but my dad recommended. According to Wikipedia, he's Armenian American, born in Fresno, lived in San Franscisco and traveled a lot. He and Hemingway made a little sparks fly at one point... Oh one more thing, he had a trouble drinking too, of course.. Ok, my reading will start tonight.

次もヘミングウェイの本にしようかと思ったのですが、一拍置くことに。ウィリアム・サローヤンの『Madness in the Family』とチャールズ・ブコウフスキの『The Roominghouse Madrigals』(どちらも邦題見つからず) にしました。ヘミングウェイとその作家友達たち同様、ブコウスキも大酒飲みで有名。その点はまああまりよろしくないですが、、詩集は楽しみ。サローヤンの方は実は知らない作家だったのですが、父の勧めで。ウィキペディアによると、フレズノ(カリフォルニア)生まれのアルメニア系アメリカ人。その後サンフランシスコで暮らしながら、色んな所へ旅もした。ヘミングウェイと火花を散らしたこともあるそうで。。因みにこの方もお酒方面が問題だったようです。やれやれ。さて、今夜から読み始めるとします。

Friday, July 24, 2015

Clock on the Desk

My desk welcomed a new tiny clock. I didn't think of needing one till now; I never cared for tracking time when making jewelry. Guidebooks tell you that you take the actual producing time into consideration: if it takes one hour, you would add your hourly rate to the cost, theoretically. In reality, it's not always applicable. My design process usually takes lots of detours; it turns out different from my original sketch, sometimes far from it. Each piece needs to be twisted and played around until the balance and the texture look right. Things don't often come out the same as you would expect.. So, I reached the conclusion that for me, time doesn't go with the pricing unless it's a repetitive design. 

Still, I'm thinking that it's good to get the idea how long each piece takes. I wouldn't probably care much but just to get a random idea.



Thursday, July 23, 2015

New Necklaces



Three necklaces posted on Etsy today.

The long silver link necklace on the top can be styled in different ways. Shown here are just a few examples. What about a bracelet? Yes, that works too.

The gold moonstone & pearl necklace is more of a dainty side, giving a feminine, subtle and elegant appeal.

Mystic mint blue toned green amethyst is done simply, suspended from a single hammered silver link. The beautiful cut releases the sparkles, so soothing.







Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Reading, Creating and Retrospecting.


My current read: Hemingway's "A Moveable Feast".

Young Hemingway's life with his wife in Paris in the 20s, so sensitive, frank and beautiful. It talks about the extraordinary people that he became friends with, tragedies, writer's block, poverty, love, traveling and cafés... Some parts remind of of Woody Allen's "Midnight in Paris" -tempting me to watch again.

The story of joy and struggle that anyone could relate to when it comes to creating something.

I have to finish it by this weekend, which won't be so hard.

Today's project was to hammer, solder, and clean these silver links so I can make another leather bracelet and also a new long necklace. Stay tuned.

See these dated photos? It's Redang Island, Malaysia, where two of my friends and I traveled to celebrate our college graduation, back in 99'. Wow, so long time ago. My friend messaged me and the other friend that she's visiting the island right now; I couldn't help reaching my favorite photo album to share the reminiscence with them. I wonder if the island looks the same or changed by resort development. Awaiting more updates from her.










Monday, July 20, 2015

Hammered Silver Leather Bracelet to go with Denim Style



New summer bohemian leather & hammered silver link bracelet made earlier today, just posted on Etsy.

Will match perfectly with denim.





Sunday, July 19, 2015

Happy Rainy Day




It's been a while since the drought became a going concern in California.

And the cloud finally decided to cause heavy raindrops this weekend.

Took a little walk through the empty outdoor mall in the rainy evening.

The water in the koi pond was reaching near full levels; it might be flooding by now, it's been a non-stop pouring for hours.

The air is wet and dense. It's a nice feeling once in a while.








Life in Style



New Jewelry Set


Simple oxidized silver necklace with matching earrings.

Stone choices: turquoise or prehnite



石: トルコ石 or プレナイト



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