Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Goodbye 2019 !


The New Year Eve Night over here, already sleepy after enjoying sushi and just a small glass of champagne. 

As I post more on Instagram, blogging has become a lot less active and I rarely express myself online anymore but my mind is always full of thoughts. Especially the year of 2019 was full of realization, wasn’t the easiest overall but productivity wise I could say one of the best. I’ve learned so so much. Struggled a lot, hit the rocks but something good came out of it. Maybe the anxiety caused by the chaos craziness happening in the outside world has been making me focus more on creating and keep me grounded. Well, my new year resolution will be... to take a break sometimes, have some room in my mind to take things easy and have fun. Family love and friendship. Happy New Year! 


インスタグラムにマメにジュエリー写真を投稿するのと反比例にブログの方がすっかりご無沙汰になってしまい、ネット上で心境を語ることもあまりないのですが、胸の内はいつもあれこれいろんな思いでいっぱいです。特に2019年という年は気づかされることが多い年でした。全般的に心労の方が多かったけれど、制作の面ではよい一年だったように思います。たくさん悩んで壁にぶち当たったものの、そこから学ぶものがあり、結果よい経験になったというか。世の中の向かっている方向に対する「不安感」が逆に、創ることに意識を向かせ、他のことに気を散らせないように作用しているとも言えるかも。さて、来年の抱負・・ きちんと休養し、心に余裕を持って、遊び心を忘れずに。かな。家族や大事な人たちとのつながりを大切に。Happy New Year! 

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

October Creations & Weekends

October’s *Indian summer is fading and November is just around the corner. It gets dark around 6 pm now and after the daylight saving ends the sun is gone around 5. The dark season is arriving...!  I used to like the hot weather but as I age I’m becoming to appreciate the cooler weather. A lot have happened this month. Good news, not so good news, heartwarming events... That aside, I’m hoping to create fall/winter inspired jewelry pieces. Not sure if my production will speed up as I get more skilled but I spend hours and hours completing each piece. I’d like to showcase more in my Etsy shop but it’s so hard to build up the inventory! So, here are some stuff I recently made. Some were happily sent to their new homes. Happy Halloween 🎃

*I didn’t know what “Indian summer” is translated in Japanese until my dad told me the other day. It is “koharubiyori 小春日和” which means a warm spring like sunny day. Well, it’s a little different from Californian version of Indian summer, isn’t it? It is so brutally hot like we are back to mid summer! 

10月のインディアンサマー*が去って行き、11月が近づいてきました。6時には暗くなり始め、サマータイムが終わって時間が1時間早まると5時には日が沈んでしまう日々の訪れ。どんより暗ーい季節の到来。とはいえ、年齢を重ねるにつれ、暑いよりもひんやり涼しい方がよくなってきたような…。今月は色々ありました。いいことだったりあまり良くないことだったり。じんわりと心温まことだったり。そんな中、秋冬のジュエリー制作に励んでおります。もっと経験を積めばもっと能率よくスピーディになるのかどうか、、、ひとつひとつ時間がかかりすぎて、なかなかEtsyへの出品数も限られてしまってます。。というわけで、こちら、最近の作品たち。晴れて旅立って行ったものも含みます。ハッピーハロウィ~ン 🎃

*「インディアンサマー」の訳、小春日和だったとは。先日父に教わるまで知りませんでした。ほかの州は違うのかもだけど、カリフォルニアのインディアンサマーは真夏に逆戻りしたような猛暑なのでいまいちしっくりこず。(おかげでまたもバテてしまったのでした… )

“Tragedies do happen. We can discover the reason, blame others, imagine how different our lives would be had they not occurred. But none of that is important: they did occur, and so be it. From there onward we must put aside the fear that they awoke in us and begin to rebuild.” – Paulo Coelho


Monday, October 7, 2019

Summer Autumn Transition

October already. Later sunrises & early sunsets. A few days of very cool days, then the warm days kick back again before entering the winter. The season is transitioning. My Etsy shop had a good summertime but the productivity couldn’t catch up :( and it has been running a little short in inventory. Happy to say, many items showcased here are sold out! I’ve been back to creating daily so there are more selections for the holiday season. Mixed metals, bezeled or beaded multistones, many more rings. I love receiving Etsy convos and emails. Feel free to hit me up! 

はやくも10月。ぐっと肌寒い日が続いたかと思ったらまた暑くなったり、そうこうしているうちに冬が訪れ.... 変わりゆく季節、ですね。Etsyの方は夏の間おかげさまで好調だったのですが、新作のアップが追いつかず、少々品薄状態です。↑こちらの商品の多くは完売済みです。ありがとうございます!クリスマス前にもっとセレクションを広げるべく作業の日々です。ゴールドシルバーのミックスメタル、彫金やビーズのマルチストーン、リングなどなど。Etsyのメッセージやメールはいつも嬉しくやる気に繋がります。お気軽にお問い合わせくださいね。

Monday, July 8, 2019

Recent Jewelry Creation & Thoughts

It’s been a while.
Seems like all the blogger apps I was using went obsolete.. these things never last, do they?
Unless there are any new ones out there, I’m going back to the browser to write, 
which is a little tricky, but not as bad as before.

So, my last post was done in March and here are what I’ve created and sold since.



I’ve bought intriguing new stones that have been giving me new positive vibes and inspiration.
Grandidierite, rough multi-colored spinel, garden/phantom quartz, imperial topaz, chrysocolla and raw Ethiopian opal. All different shapes, sizes and textures. 
Maybe I shopped too much last month. It certainly becomes obsession and I have to pace myself!

Many soldering has been happening on my desk with sterling silver, fine silver, gold filled and 14K&18K solid gold. I wanted to do more experiments with 18K gold but the gold price has been going up nonstop lately so it’s not a good time unfortunately..

I added some ruby jewelry, the July’s birthstone.
Also the blue green colored stones have been special to me.
Grandidierite’s mysterious blue is too beautiful for words and chrysocolla’s patterns are 
so natural and earthy.

Well, I have so many more new things to create out of these beauties.
Hope to write more later!





Sunday, March 31, 2019

March's New Creation

The weather has been nice and that led me to have a productive month.

I'm resting my hands a little bit now and slowly starting to think of what will be the next to work on.

Happy Spring!




Thursday, February 21, 2019

February Creation

It’s been a productive month so far.

Hope to continue making more rings and various things.

Stay tuned!

Monday, January 21, 2019

Monday, January 14, 2019

January Creation #1

Happy (belated) New Year!

Creation of the month so far.
The first half of January was spent on with lots of metalworking, lots of stone-setting that went well or sometimes not so well.. and the second half will be with dainty style simple wire-wrapping necklaces and bracelets.

How’s the fresh start going for you so far?

The recent cold, dark and rainy weather has taken away my motivation of wanting to go out.
I find myself trying to stay home as much as I could..!
Why not.

The day is getting longer and longer day by day though. I like that.







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