Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

Ring Idea

I used to make lots of lots of rings like this long time ago, but with thin sterling silver wires.
Today I experimented something similar to them using a thicker band. How does this look like?


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Roses, roses...

Roses are blooming at the park in my neighborhood.


As well as bougainvillea.


Saturday, June 25, 2011

New Artsy Mall in OC -OC Mart Mix

So many cool hats including super high end kinds.

My new favorite boutique, "Deer Lovely"

For serious coffee drinkers, "Portola Coffee"

Yes!! Free Wi-Fi area with nice couches

"Stoned Jewelry" has a nice selection of handmade jewelry

I guess I forgot to blog about this new hip place in OC called "The OC Mart Mix".
It's located near IKEA in Costa Mesa.
It seems to be still under construction but I found so many cute shops.
They aren't high end but more crafty handmade in a mid price range.

My favorite is a boutique called "Deer Lovely". It's a very tiny shop but the line up is well selected. Especially I was amazed with so many unique and affordable leather and fabric purses. I was this close to purchase one but managed to control myself.......

"Stoned Jewelry" has a lot of delicate and high quality handmade jewelry that you might not find so often in retail shops in town.

Last but not least is "Portola Coffee". They have three different ways of brewing coffee and the price ranges from $3 to $10 for a cup of coffee.  Even my $3 coffee tasted so strong that it kept me awake a whole night.... I gotta try their mocha next time. I heard it's made with their own ganache and tastes a lot less sweet than the regular mocha.


どうやら最近できたお洒落モール、『The OC Mart Mix』のことをブログに書くのを忘れていたようですね。場所は、コスタメサのIKEAのすぐ近く。

私のお気に入りは『Deer Lovely』という洋服屋さん。とても小さいショップながら、充実した品揃え。特にとても個性的でお手頃なレザーや布製のバッグが気になりました。危うく購入してしまうところでしたが、どうにか自制、、、。

『Stoned Jewelry』には、この辺りのショップではお見かけしないような、デリケートでハイクオリティなハンドメイドジュエリーがいっぱいでした。

最後になりましたが、『Portola Coffee』。3種類の方法で炒れてくれるとのことで、お値段は$3〜$10。私の$3のコーヒーですらすごく強かったようで、その日は一晩中よく眠れませんでした。モカをぜひトライしたいところ。独自のガナッシュで作るそうで、普通のモカよりも甘さ控えめなんだとか。


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