Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Vintage Dresses and...ビンテージドレスと・・



I found a super cute vintage clothing online shop called "ADOREVINTAGE". 
They even have some dresses from 1920! Amazing. I love it.

And, It's old but Jessica Alba was so pretty on ELLE's December 2010 issue.
The coloration was so stunning with hot pink!



Saturday, March 26, 2011

Spring-Summer Dresses

It's been still gloomy and chilly over here for the end of March, but I can feel that spring is almost there.
I found some dresses that make me fantasize the upcoming season.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Rebecca Taylor's Patterns and Anthropologie's Laces

Rebecca Taylor's recent collection is full of pretty patterns on chiffon fabrics.
I love the pink flowers on emerald green.
Olivia Munn looked really pretty with this dress on "Today Show" on St. Patrick's Day.
I didn't realize till now but Mariposite earrings I made the other day might have been an inspiration from that dress.

image from

From Jooni Jewelry via Etsy: Mariposite with Coral Earrings

Rebecca Taylor(レベッカ・テイラー)の最新コレクションはシフォン地にかわいい模様のものがもりだくさん。エメラルドグリーンにピンクの花のが一番好きです。

Anthropology's "Eyelet and Lace" collection is appealing too.


Hollywood Golden Age Legendary Actress, Elizabeth Taylor passed away yesterday, March 23rd.
I find this picture so beautiful.


Monday, March 21, 2011

Lonny Online Magazine

Lonny is a unique online home decor magazine that was launched in Oct. 2009 by designer Michelle Adams and photographer Patrick Cline. According to their profile, the duo met in New York in 2007 at a photo shoot for domino magazine, and have since collaborated on lifestyle and interiors projects. It's such a cheerful content. You can either read interesting articles or get ideas from design photo collections on "DECORATE" Page. They also have introduced the publisher ASSOULINE's initiation on a program to benefit Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami Relief Efforts.


And those photos are from Lonny's Etsy shop.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Power of Natural Stones -パワーストーン

Each natural stone carries its own history and legend.
They are often used as healing methods, both mentally and physically.
Personally, I'm far from superstitious and I've never paid close attention to the mystical meanings of those stones during the designing process, but I always hope my jewelry will give all the wears positive energy and happiness. To me, just looking at those beads and thinking of designs is like a meditation. When I wear them, I always want to be touching and looking at them. Bracelets and rings visually please me and necklaces and earrings make me feel cheerful. In that sense, I do believe those products of nature do have some kind of power.



Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cool crews in Boston -ボストンのお洒落デザイナー

Twelve Chairs (standing for 12 designer crews) is located in Boston, providing a resource for everything you need to make your place hip and cool. The furniture they carry turned out to be Southern Californian brand called Cisco Brothers that I can find in near my location. I love this kind of discovery. They also offer a competitive interior design services.
-I wasn't sure if I should keep posting my usual blog considering how bad the condition is in the disaster area in Japan but I decided to keep my routine not because I care less but to cheer up all my friends in my own way.

Twelve Chairs(12人のデザイナー仲間で結成されているらしい)はボストンの、ヒップでお洒落なインテリアを提供するお店。販売されている家具はどうやら南カリフォルニアのブランド、Cisco Brothersであることが判明。しかも家の近く。こういう思いがけない発見はいいですね。彼ら(Twelve Chairs)はインテリアデザインのサービスも行っているとのこと。

Friday, March 11, 2011

Sardines and then earthquake.

On March 9th, REDONDO BEACH, California: Critically low oxygen levels, at almost zero, have been measured in a southern Californian harbour after millions of dead fish were washed up in Redondo Beach's marina. 
It seems such a creepy phenomenon but fish kills actually struck King Harbour in 2003 and 2005, with the same cause just as this time.
Most likely this sardine incident has nothing to do with this historical earthquake in Japan next day, but it definitely made me rethink how inevitable natural disasters could be. It happens just like that. All my family members seem to be fine but I just don't know how to feel at this moment.

3月9日、カリフォルニア、レドンドビーチにて、何百万という夥しい量のイワシの死骸が打ち上げられた後の水中の酸素レベルはゼロに近かったという。 なんとも気味の悪い現象だろう、と思ったものの、2003年、2005年にも同じ場所で同じようなことが起こっているとのこと。

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Kitchen/Dinner/Serveware & Wall Decor -雑貨&インテリア

Blue Floral Porcelain Series -from Target 
The whole collection was lined up nicely when I stopped by a few days ago.

ブルーフローラルポーセリンシリーズ・Target から。

Colorful fun plates, egg caddy, and bottle opener from Anthropologie. So unique!


for jewelry display.

Urban Outfittersのカジュアルなウォールデコ。一番上のは帽子とかかけるハンガーらしいけど、ジュエリーディスプレイとして是非ほしいです。

Friday, March 4, 2011

Colorful Interiors -Central Asian meets Swedish -インテリア

Silk Ethos from ABC Carpet
Design by Camilla Krishnaswamy from Agent Bauer

Design by Camilla Krishnaswamy from Agent Bauer

Design by Camilla Krishnaswamy from Agent Bauer

Design by Lo Bjurulf from Agent Bauer
Design by Lo Bjurulf from Agent Bauer

Design by Lo Bjurulf from Agent Bauer

Design by Lo Bjurulf from Agent Bauer
I was browsing ELLE and discovered these beauties.
I love them all!!   
Central Asian pattern and color combination is so unique and stunning.
This marketing/advertising company located in Stockholm, Sweden called "Agent Bauer" seems very interesting. They promote photographers, stylists, illustrators and hair-makeup artists all over the world. The last 3 is actually for IKEA! Apparently she's an IKEA stylist. I thought that chair looks familiar. It looks a lot more artistic than US version. (kind of Anthropologie-ish) Yellow & Purple combination is so dramatic and lovely. The style like Asian meets Western or vivid colors in simple space always attracts me.

ELLE DECOR.comを眺めていて出会ったステキデザイン達。
I love them all!!  
スエーデン・ストックホルムにあるマーケティング・広告会社の"エージェーント・バウアー”という会社はなかなか興味深いかんじ。世界の写真家、スタイリスト、イラストレーター、メイクアップアーティストなどをプロモートしている。最後の3点はなんとIKEAのアド!彼女はIKEAのスタイリストなのね。通りで椅子に見覚えがあると思いきや。アメリカバージョンよりもずっとアーティステック。(Anthropologieっぽい) イエロー&パープルの組み合わせはドラマチックでステキです。アジアとウェスタンの折衷や、シンプルな空間の中の目の覚めるような色、といったスタイルに常に惹かれます。


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